Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
AIDS Behav. 2022 July 31; Online ahead of print; DOI:10.1007/s10461-022-03772-9
Cassidy T, Cornell M, Makeleni B, Horsburgh CR, Trivino Duran L, et al.
AIDS Behav. 2022 July 31; Online ahead of print; DOI:10.1007/s10461-022-03772-9
Men have higher rates of attrition from antiretroviral therapy (ART) programs than women. In Khayelitsha, a high HIV prevalence area in South Africa, two public sector primary healthcare clinics offer services, including HIV testing and treatment, exclusively to men. We compared attrition from ART care among men initiating ART at these clinics with male attrition in six general primary healthcare clinics in Khayelitsha. We described baseline characteristics of patients initiating ART at the male and general clinics from 1 January 2014 to 31 March 2018. We used exposure propensity scores (generated based on baseline health and age) to match male clinic patients 1:1 to males at other clinics. The association between attrition (death or loss to follow-up, defined as no visits for nine months) and clinic type was estimated using Cox proportional hazards regression. Follow-up time began at ART initiation and ended at attrition, clinic transfer, or dataset closure. Before matching, patients from male clinics (n = 784) were younger than males from general clinics (n = 2726), median age: 31.2 vs 35.5 years. Those initiating at male clinics had higher median CD4 counts at ART initiation [Male Clinic 1: 329 (IQR 210–431), Male Clinic 2: 364 (IQR 260–536), general clinics 258 (IQR 145–398), cells/ mm3. In the matched analysis (1451 person-years, 1568 patients) patients initiating ART at male clinics had lower attrition (HR 0.71; 95% CI 0.60–0.85). In separate analyses for each of the two male clinics, only the more established male clinic showed a protective effect. Male-only clinics reached younger, healthier men, and had lower ART attrition than general services. These findings support clinic-specific adaptations to create more male-friendly environments.
Journal Article > ResearchAbstract Only
AIDS Behav. 2016 June 2; Volume 21 (Issue 6); 1735-1740.; DOI:10.1007/s10461-016-1447-1
Musinguzi N, Mocello AR, Boum Y II, Hunt PW, Martin JN, et al.
AIDS Behav. 2016 June 2; Volume 21 (Issue 6); 1735-1740.; DOI:10.1007/s10461-016-1447-1
Little is known about associations between viral suppression, adherence, and duration of prior viral suppression in sub-Saharan Africa. Study participants were from the UARTO study in Mbarara, Uganda. We fit regression models to characterize relationships between average adherence, treatment interruptions, and rebound viremia (>400 copies/mL) following a previously undetectable result. Our goal was to understand the impact of prior viral suppression on these relationships. 396 participants contributed 2864 quarterly visits. Restricted to periods with average adherence <50%, each 10% increase in adherence reduced the odds of rebound viremia by 74% [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 0.26, P = 0.002] and 29 % (AOR = 0.71, P = 0.057) during the first 12 months of suppression and beyond 12 months respectively, interaction term P = 0.018. Among periods with adherence ≥50%, the risk of rebound viremia decreased with increasing adherence during the first 12 months of viral suppression (AOR = 0.73 for each 10 % increase, P = 0.001), but not thereafter (AOR = 1.09, P = 0.67), interaction term P = 0.027. In contrast, 72-h interruptions, were associated with increased rebound viremia during the first 12 months (AOR = 1.30, P = 0.009) and after (AOR = 1.39, P = 0.005), interaction term P = 0.69. Completing 12 months of viral suppression decreases the impact of average adherence, but not prolonged treatment interruptions, on risk of rebound viremia.
Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
AIDS Behav. 2022 March 2; Online ahead of print; DOI:10.1007/s10461-022-03586-9
Hacking D, Cassidy T, Ellman T, Steele SJ, Moore HA, et al.
AIDS Behav. 2022 March 2; Online ahead of print; DOI:10.1007/s10461-022-03586-9
In South Africa, where an estimated 34% of nearly 7-million HIV-positive people were not on antiretroviral therapy (ART) in 2019, innovative strategies to diagnose and link people to care are needed. HIV self-testing (HIVST) is one such strategy. However, there is concern that access to HIVST might result in re-testing among people on ART, with a risk of false negative results and disengagement from care. Between November 2017 and December 2018, HIVST kits were distributed at a private pharmacy and at HIV testing outreach events. Each participant was instructed to report their result via SMS and those who did not were followed-up telephonically 10 days later. Electronic medical records of participants were searched for evidence of HIV services 6 months before and after enrollment. Of 1482 participants, 163 (11%) were previously diagnosed HIV-positive prior to taking the test. Of these, 123 reported a result, however 87% reported a negative result. Of the 163 previously diagnosed, 84 were not in ART care prior to the test, with 15 (18%) linking to care post-test. Of 79 who were in ART care prior to the test, 76 (96%) remained in care, even though 51 (67%) had reported a negative result. Overall, 29% of participants reported their result via SMS, and 48% when telephoned. Despite efforts to dissuade them, some previously diagnosed HIV-positive utilised HIVST. For those disengaged from care this may facilitate re-engagement. Self-testing among those already in care, regardless of the reported result, did not disrupt their treatment, and their reasons for doing the test remain unclear.
Journal Article > ResearchAbstract
AIDS Behav. 2014 May 1; Volume 19 (Issue 1); 19-26.; DOI:10.1007/s10461-014-0785-0
Chan BT, Weiser SD, Boum Y II, Haberer JE, Kembabazi A, et al.
AIDS Behav. 2014 May 1; Volume 19 (Issue 1); 19-26.; DOI:10.1007/s10461-014-0785-0
Little is known about trends in depression at antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation among people living with HIV (PLHIV) in low- and middle-income countries. We used data from an ongoing cohort of treatment-naïve PLHIV in rural Uganda to estimate secular trends in depression among PLHIV at ART initiation. We fitted linear regression models with depression symptom severity as the outcome variable and year of cohort entry (2005-2012) as the explanatory variable, adjusting for socio-demographic variables and assessing physical health score, body mass index (BMI), and CD4 count as potential mediators of a secular trend in depression symptom severity. There was a statistically significant negative association between year of entry and depression symptom severity, suggesting a 3.1 % relative decline in the mean depression symptom severity score at ART initiation in each year of study recruitment after the first year. This trend remained statistically significant after inclusion of baseline socio-demographic characteristics to the model and appeared to be driven by improved physical health scores, but not CD4 count or BMI.